The control room
In the control room we control and monitor the country's electrical system around the clock and ensure that there is always a balance between production and consumption of electricity in Sweden.
In order for the electricity system to work, there must always be a balance between production and consumption of electricity and a voltage frequency of 50 Hz.
Measuring the frequency of the network is like checking the blood pressure. The frequency should always be 50 Hz. Then there is a balance between production and consumption and the electric system is healthy.
If the consumption is higher than the production, the frequency will sink. If production is higher than consumption the frequency will rise. The balance is regulated both automatically and manually by increase or decrease of production or decrease of consumption.
The flow of electricity
Electricity trading in the Nordic and Baltic regions occurs in the Nordic power exchange Nord Pool Spot. The flow of electricity is from an electricity area with lower price to an area with higher price. Both the flow of electricity and the price are controlled by supply and demand. The price is valid for the current hour.
The connections enable Sweden to export electricity when there is a surplus while import capability strengthens the Swedish security of supply. The map shows the flow right now and is updated every minute.
In the diagram, you can see how the output looks right now in Sweden and in the neighbouring countries we share information with. The data displayed on this page can not be downloaded.
Consumption in Sweden
Sweden is divided into four bidding areas. Under the tabs in the table you can see the forecast and consumption for each bidding area.
Electricity suppliers’ balance providers make predictions of how much electricity will be consumed by the hour. Sometimes, but not always, projections correspond to actual consumption. Each hour we calculate if there is a power shortage risk. The data displayed on this page can not be downloaded.
You can download the statistics we produce on the statistics page.