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Become a provider of ancillary services

Do you want to become a provider of ancillary services? A good decision, both for you and the power system. Here is an overview of the requirements and the application process to become a provider of ancillary services.

In order to become a provider of ancillary services you must fulfill both basic and specific requirements of the ancillary service you wish to provide.

You must also perform a prequalification test to prove that the resource that will provide the ancillary service fulfils the technical requirements set out for that specific ancillary service.

Guidance on the provision of reserves

More information on becoming a provider of ancillary services is found in our Guidance document: Guidance on the provision of reserves (.pdf) Opens in a new window

Follow this application process if you wish to provide the ancillary services FCR, aFRR or mFRR

Provide FCR, aFRR or mFRR

Provide FFR, the Disturbance Reserve or the Power Reserve

Information only available in Swedish.
