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Prequalification is the process used to test the unit or group that plans to deliver ancillary services.

In order to get permission to participate in the market for ancillary services, an approved result from the prequalification is required.

Applicant company

Anyone who wants to prequalify resources for any of the ancillary services FCR, aFRR or mFRR must cooperate with, be themselves, alternatively become a Balancing Service Provider (BSP) after approved prequalification. The BSP operator must meet the requirements of the current Avtal om leverans av balanstjänster ("BSP-avtal"). In order for BSP to be able to deliver ancillary services Avtal om balansansvar för el ("BRP-avtal") is also needed in the delivery point in question (i.e. BSP must be the party responsible for balance in the delivery point) to be used to deliver the reserve.

Read more here.

FFR is classified as Remedial action, thus you do not have to be a BSP to prequalify this reserve.

New application documents for FCR

Svenska kraftnät is testing a new format for the application form and test protocol for prequalification of FCR, where relevant parts of the test protocol have been inserted into the application form in order to streamline the prequalification process. We therefore encourage feedback from users of the new form via

A new prequalification is required for

  • every unit or group you want to use to provide reserves
  • for each unit or group, one application is required for each reserve market

FCR providing units or groups shall be re-assessed

  • at least once every 5 years.
  • in case the technical requirements, endurance requirements or the equipment have changed

Summary of the prequalification process

  1. The operator in question notifies Svenska kraftnät about the scheduled date for the tests required in order to prequalify the unit/group, to ensure that Svenska kraftnät is able to attend during the tests. If required, Svenska kraftnät may request a change of the date of the tests.
  2. Tests are performed in accordance with the “Test Program Template”.
  3. A formal application is submitted to Svenska kraftnät. The application shall include the following documents:
    a. Application Document Template, and
    b. Test Report Template (the results of the completed test)
    c. Test data and additional attachments.
  4. Svenska kraftnät makes an assessment of the application. The application is rejected or approved. If the application is rejected, the operator is informed about the decision including information on any measures required in order for the unit or group to be approved.

Svenska kraftnät may request additional information during the assessment.

You can find the flowchart of the entire process:

The prequalification process

The prequalification process as document (.pdf) Opens in a new window

More information:

Provision of ancillary services

Questions and answers about reserves

Guidance on the provision of reserves (.pdf) Opens in a new window

Submitting your application for prequalification

If you haven't yet been granted access to Svenska kraftnät's secure file upload system, you must send an e-mail to the relevant mailbox,, or and request access.

When you have access to the system and have submitted your application, you must wait for confirmation that your application has been received. If you have not received a receipt within five working days, you should contact us again at relevant mailbox mentioned above to be sure that Svenska kraftnät has received the application.

The application should include

  • Application form for each respective unit/group and reserve category (FCR, aFRR, mFRR & FFR).
  • Test report where the results of the prequalification tests are summarized for each respective reserve and unit/group (test report templates found below).
  • Logged data from the prequalification tests.
  • Additional attachments in the appendix.

How long does it take?

You will receive feedback on your application within eight weeks after it was submitted.

If the application is not immediately approved, you will need to answer the feedback and submit a revised version within four weeks after the feedback was received.

If your unit or group fulfils the criteria, the final decision will be issued within three months after you’re notified that your application is complete.

Reporting data to Svenska kraftnät

A provider of ancillary services is required to log and save certain measurement data for at least 3 months in accordance with Avtal om leverans av balanstjänster,  attachment 3 (FCR), attachment 5 (aFRR) and attachment 7 (mFRR).

The provider can choose the format in which the data is logged during operation. However, when data is sent to Svenska kraftnät it must use the units and format given in the relevant documents for each reserve. In these documents it is described which measurements should be conducted and ready to be provided. In addition, the documents clarify the correct format for reporting these measurement data.

Company secrecy

The application and all related documentation shall be sent to Svenska kraftnät by using Svenska kraftnät’s services for safe sharing of documents: Alfresco or Deaddrop. In the case of using Deaddrop, the applicant will receive a temporary Deaddrop link after notifying Svenska kraftnät that the application is complete and ready to be sent in.

As a general rule, all documents that are submitted to Svenska kraftnät are public, but in some cases information may be classified.

The applying company is therefore recommended to state which information in the application can be considered as sensitive from a secrecy point of view, and for what particular reason the company may be harmed if the information is disclosed.

Svenska kraftnät is not bound to follow the assessment of the applying company but will do an independent review in each case.

Lowest allowed prequalified capacity

Svenska kraftnät has decided that the lowest allowed capacity that can be prequalified is 0,5 x minimum bidding size for FCR and FFR and minimum bidding size for mFRR and aFRR.

Ancillary service Minimum bidding size (MW) Lowest allowed prequalified capacity (MW)
FCR-D up 0,1 0,05
FCR-D down  0,1 0,05
FCR-N  0,1 0,05
FFR 0,1 0,05
mFRR Capacity market: 1,0
Energy activating market: 5,0
aFRR 1,0 1
The capacity that is prequalified is given with two decimals for resources with power rating under 1,5 MW and one decimal over 1,5 MW (with possible exceptions close to the 1,5 MW limit).

Documents regarding mFRR

Documents regarding aFRR

Documents regarding FFR

Documents regarding prequalification FCR

FCP IT-tool Prototype (7z-zip)

Test program FCR-N

Test program FCR-D upwards

Test program FCR-D downwards

Documents regarding prequalification for variable resources