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Board of Directors

Svenska kraftnät is governed by the Board of Directors and the Director General as the head of the authority.

The Board of Directors determines general matters concerning the authority’s orientation, financing and operations as well as determining business plan and budget. Those matters which aren’t determined by the Board of Directors or the staff disciplinary board, are determined by the Director General or by an official to whom the Director General has delegated the right of decision.

Bo Netz

Bo Netz
Chairman of the Board
Deputy Director-General, Trafikverket

Other directorships:
Board member AB Trav och Galopp

Lena Ingvarsson

Lena Ingvarsson
Vice-chairman of the Board

Former Director-General for Administrative and Legal Affairs at the Ministry of the Environment

Lotta Medelius-Bredhe

Lotta Medelius-Bredhe
Director General, Svenska kraftnät

Anders Sjöborg

Anders Sjöborg

General Counsel/Security Director/Deputy NAD, FMV - Swedish Defence Materiel Administration

Helena Thunander Holmstedt

Helena Thunander Holmstedt

Other assignments:
Strategic advisor to the Chief of the Defence Staff, Swedish Armed Forces
Member of the board of the Resolution Delegation at the Swedish National Debt Office

Ulf Moberg

Ulf Moberg

Former Technical Director Svenska kraftnät

Annika Ingeborn

Staff Representative, SACO

Mikael Hedenheim

Staff Representative, the Union of Civil Servants (ST)